Friday, June 20, 2008

Outdoor Challenges #16 & 17

We've been enjoying a little break from planned activities but now we are trying to get back into the swing of things with Outdoor Challenge #16 . It is almost too late in our area for planting sunflowers but hopefully this will work out. The kids have been doing some gardening with their grandparents so when I pulled out the supplies they knew exactly what to do. It was fun just sitting back and watching them work. Sam could even read the package of seeds enough to know when to expect them to germinate and bloom. He has become quite the "teacher" for Charlotte and seemed to enjoy instructing her in the process of planting seeds.

I did not plan to do Outdoor Challenge #17 today but the kids wanted to go for a ride in the wagon and take a look at our trees. Sam made some really cool observations. He noted the differences in our leaves texture from when they were budding in the spring and now. He spent quite a bit of time trying to find the creature that was munching on our Elm without success. Charlotte really enjoyed it and picked up quite a bit of new vocabulary today.


Barb said...

I have faith that your sunflowers will grow and bloom...they are pretty hardy things and I think that they grow faster when it is hotter anyway. My sunflowers this week alone have grown a ton so I *know* yours will too. (positive thinking at its best)

Your wagon ride looks like fun and sounds like you were very successful with leaves.

Thanks for the link,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Barb said...

Hi Tiffany,

Could I use the photo of your son planting seeds for the Outdoor Hour Photo of the Week? It is precious and a great example of what children can do for themselves.

Let me know ASAP.
