Friday, February 29, 2008

Outdoor Challenge #3

Assignment #3

"Why do pupils dislike writing English exercises? Simply because they are not interested in the subject they are asked to write about, and they know that the teacher is not interested in the information contained in the essay. But when they are interested in the subject and write about it to a person who is interested, the conditions are entirely changed." Handbook of Nature Study pg.16

May I always remember to help them find their interest before requiring them to write.

Sam's words for this week...

Red Beetle
Rough Hard Bark

The specimens were the pine trees in our back yard. Sam has been collecting pine cones all week.

Sam hard at work on his first entry to his Nature Notebook. He did not want to copy his words but wanted me to write them for him.

He is quite proud of the results. I don't think his smile could be any bigger!

Sam's only complaint was that my camera could not take a picture of the red beetle that was climbing on his tree. I need to upgrade my camera!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Outdoor Challenge #2

"...although I have used these outlines once, I am sure I should never be able to use them again without making changes." Pg. 24 HNS

I love this. All to often homeschool moms use a curriculum and think they need to use it exactly as it was written or they will miss out on something. Anna Comstock is telling us the she wouldn't use her own volume in such a manner but would tweak it each time she did a lesson.

Sam's words...

Gray Pigeon
Fresh warm wind

Charlotte's words...


Mama's words...

Happy children
Hugs, kisses, love.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Outdoor Challenge #1

I'm a total newbie to this blogging thing but I came across the Green Hour Challenge. Very timely.....I have just recently started rereading my old beaten copy of Handbook of Nature Study. The kids and I have had a long standing habit of nature study although perhaps not as focused as Charlotte Mason intended, especially with my younger two.
This week we found out more about the Roseate Spoonbill and Great Egret birds. We have been seeing these birds all over town this week. Next week I will remember to keep my camera handy because I've missed some great pictures!
Friday we will head off to a local lake and I hope to get some pictures of these birds at that time.This week I started the Nature Study page element on my blog. Nature study is going to be SOOO much easier in 2008 then it was in 1994!