This particular basket was found on a beach in Spain by Dad when he was about 6 and has traveled with him throughout is life. It makes the perfect container for Sam's pinecone collection and a lovely centerpiece. I have been wondering what do with this basket for years and Barb-Harmony Art Mom's Green Hour Challenge #6 helped me find the solution. Thanks!
The Blue Jay family loves Charlotte. She got as much bird seed on the ground as she did on the pinecone. They have been dining in that area of the yard since we left but have not allowed me to get a picture.
Sam did help her find the perfect place to hang her finished product. We will be able to see the birds from our dining room window.
It has been a rough week. Sam recovered from his respiratory ailment and was his usual active self for a day before an intestinal ailment brought him down. His participation in our green hour challenge was minimal this week. He did join us outside and walk around the yard a bit to look at our trees but he was happiest swinging so that is what he did for the hour he was outside. All our plans for identification books, etc will need to wait until next week.
Charlotte made her first pine cone bird feeder. I planned on doing this to help get Sam out of the house because this has always been one of his favorite activities. He got really tickled watching his sister make such a mess. He gave her pointers and directions from his "supervisor's" seat on the swing. " Too much peanut butter." " Charlotte,stop eating it!"
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